Meet The Owner
I had twelve dollars to my name, an extreme passion for all things eclectic, and an imagination that ran wilder than a sparkling prize-winning show pony. After selling my handmade jewelry and adornments out of a vintage teal suitcase for longer than I can remember, I happened upon a tiny old vacant post office in the up-and-coming Perry District. I had no business plan to speak of, but I had a dream - a dream that was filled with fashion, glamour, and free expression. I decided to take a leap of faith and turn my part-time passion into a full-time profession. That was 2010. I am so proud of this little treasure chest that has come to be known as The Dollhouse to the community of Spokane, WA. As word spreads and business grows, I remain a one-woman army designing and creating every unique adornment by hand. Every piece is forged from imagination and given a life of its own - each a window into my romantic world of badassery.
~ Summer Hightower